Meet Steph Halmhofer, a Bioarchaeologist on the Southwest Coast of British Columbia!
From Steveston, BC, Steph is a bioarchaeologist in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Bioarchaeologists are archaeologists with specialized training in excavating and analyzing human skeletal remains. Think of the skeleton as a book written in a language bioarchaeologists can understand and translate. Though skeletons bioarchaeologists can look at what life was like in the past, including diets, population movements, pathologies, and occupations. Steph holds an Associate of Arts degree in criminology (Kwantlen Polytechnic University), a Bachelor of Arts degree in anthropology (focused on bioarchaeology) and Indigenous studies (University of Alberta), and is nearing completion of a Master of Arts degree in archaeology (University of Toronto). In addition to working with archaeological companies in BC and Ontario, she is also part of the shíshálh Archaeological Project.