How to get involved!

You want to get involved and change something? Write for us!

Generally, topics that are especially inspiring to our readers are concrete real life experiences from women working (or who have been working) in sciences. What do you love (and/or dislike) about a job in sciences? What were difficulties you had to overcome, how did you overcome them? Career themes are as exciting as more private thoughts and portraits of interesting personalities. As we are aware that – besides portraying yourself as a scientist and presenting your work – you may not want to write about personal experiences in science under your real name, you can always choose between publishing an article under your real name, a pseudonym or anonymously.


Here are some topics to get you started:

  • Present yourself and make yourself and your work known to a broader audience by writing your portrait!
  • You recently published a paper? Congratulations! To make your results accessible to a broader audience, publish a summary of your paper on our website!
  • Give practical advice on how to do science (how to design research, how to write a paper, how to get funding etc.) to support young scientists
  • Write an article about your experiences (good or bad) as a female scientist
  • Tell us about your view on current problems for female scientists or the science system in general
  • Give advice on how to build a career in science to support young scientists
  • Tell us about a typical day in your life – how do you balance your work and private life?
  • You do not have the time to write a whole article? You can also just send us comments – what topics do you like to read about? Comments of colleagues or other people that enraged you?


How do I benefit from publishing a text on The female Scientist?

The female scientist will enable people to share and discuss current research, knowledge, ideas and experiences of women in academia. You can introduce yourself and your expertise with exciting texts, expand your network and draw media’s attention. With your texts, you not only present yourself and your research, you also enrich the community of female scientists.